How Boring


How boring laments the moon

when it’s smiling to the lovers.

They laugh and jest in the saloon

but they never return their thanks

to the kindly moon.


How boring regrets the sun

when it’s shining on the lovers.

They joke and have a lot of fun

but they never return their thanks

to the friendly sun.


How boring bewails the rose

when it‘s fragrant for the lovers.

They’re cheek to cheek and nose to nose

but they never return their thanks

to the pretty rose.


How boring complains the bird

when it’s singing for the lovers.

They’re crazy and forget each word

so they never return their thanks

to the lovely bird.


The moon, the sun, the rose and the bird

get more and more unhappy

and decide to work to rule.

That’s why the lovers get more and more

disgruntled, cross and testy.